Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The hang over cure

 Have you ever drunk a bit too much alcohol and woke up with a heavy head? 
If you've made too many trips to the punch bowl, you'll be all too familiar with the pounding head, queasy stomach, dry mouth and other miserable symptoms that accompany a hangover. 
 Hangover relief always seems to be just out of reach. However, a few time-tested hangover remedies seem to work for most revelers, most of the time.
 In 2008, Discover Health decided to study which hangover remedies really helped. Turns out water and juice are definitely going to help, but so will eating eggs and bananas. Greasy food didn't bode as well, but if it makes you feel better, go for it.
 For an alternative hangover cure to consuming fresh fruit or fruit juice, the healing properties of fresh or dried herbs can help fortify your body as it recovers. Of all the herbs, two are best known as hangover remedies: milk thistle and angostura. 
 You've probably seen angostura in the form of angostura bitters, a tiny brown paper-wrapped bottle behind nearly every bar. Angostura bitters are a bartender's best friend. A shake or two in hot water, club soda, ginger ale or lemon-lime soda soothes stomachs and helps re-hydrate.
Milk thistle, also known as Silymarin, is known to protect liver cells from being infiltrated by toxins. Take milk thistle capsules before a night out to protect your liver and take another dose the next morning to help fortify a taxed immune system.

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